Book authors are won over by SCRiBE
Translating a book is always a special (and heartfelt) affair. Despite the fact that book projects are rarely financially beneficial for our agency, we always put our hearts and best efforts into this type of project. As a small sign of recognition, we request that our name be mentioned in the publication.
Stringent project management and free translation
SCRiBE has extensive experience in the translation of books and coffee-table books. Each book must be treated as a project, selecting the right translators and proofreaders. A pool of linguists is formed to scrutinise the book from all angles, while remaining as close as possible to the author’s own style. This is why authors are so enthusiastic about the foreign-language versions of their books created by SCRiBE. And rightly so.
What are authors saying about Scribe?
“I can recommend SCRiBE translations. Their literary translation of a short story from German into French certainly met with my approval.”
François Loeb, former member of the Swiss Parliament, writer/blogger
Subtitles are a particular ‘delicacy’
SCRiBE also has experience in subtitling films and videos. Here, we must be particularly careful to choose simple verbal expressions so that the message is quick and easy to read. This work is usually invoiced per hour.